Xie Mingyong and Nie Shaoping Selected into the “2018 Highly Cited Scientists” List of Clarivate Analytics
On November 27, Clarivate Analytics released the list of “2018 Highly Cited Scientists”. Professor Xie Mingyong and professor Nie Shaoping were included as highly cited scientists in the field of agricultural ...
December 11, 2018
NCU Launch Cabaret Tour at Confucius Institutes of Korea
From November 3 to 13, in order to promote the spread of Chinese culture and the exchange of cultural and artistic education between China and Korea, NCU, under the designation of the Confucius Institute ...
December 5, 2018
Two Projects Listed as the Major Projects of National Social Science Fund of China 2018
Recently, the National Office for Philosophy and Social Sciences officially announced the list of major projects of the National Social Sciences Fund of 2018. The projects declared by Professor Cheng Shuijin ...
November 16, 2018
NCU Cheers for Fierce Marathon Race
On November 11, the Nanchang International Marathon Race held its tour in NCU again. In order to support this great event and create a good environmentfor all participants, our university has made sufficient ...
November 16, 2018
Nanchang University Passing Quality Certification for Studying in China by Ministry of Education
On the 19th China Annual Conference for International Education & Expo held on October 18, 31 pilot institutions for quality certification for studying in China like Nanchang University and Tongji University ...
October 30, 2018
Education Exhibition in Jiangxi of Higher Institutions in Region Perm of Russia
Education Exhibition in Jiangxi of Higher Institutions in Region Perm of Russia was held in Nanchang University from September 26 to September 27. Governor of Region Perm of Russia Решетников...
October 16, 2018
Bring Sight and Love to Chad in Africa
The medical team consisting of 9 people dispatched by Health and Family Planning Committee of Jiangxi Province and Affiliated Eye Hospital of Nanchang University went to Chad for “Sight Travel” activity ...
October 16, 2018
Nobel Laureate Roger Kornberg and Famous Scientist Charles Brenner Came to Our University for Academic Report on Invitation
On the noon of September 13, Nobel Laureate Roger Kornberg, Professor of Stanford University, and Professor Charles Brenner, Biochemistry Chief Scientist of University of Iowa, came to our University for ...
September 30, 2018
Nanchang University Holding 2018 Freshmen Opening Ceremony
On the morning of September 16, 2018 Freshmen Opening Ceremony of Nanchang University was held in the gymnasium of Qianhu campus, and all the freshmen of grade 2018 completed their entrance ceremony.Secretary ...
September 19, 2018
[School Beginning and New Comers Welcoming] Freshmen of Grade 2018 Entering Nanchang University for Dream Sailing
Freshmen registration enrollment work was carried out in NCT on September 2, and freshmen from all over the country came to Nanchang University with their dreams to be a new generation of masters of our ...
September 2, 2018