From December 1st to 4th, the 2023 China-Korea-Japan International Conference on Matrix Theory with Applications & the 7th International Conference on Matrix Inequalities and Matrix Equations, co-chaired by Nanchang University, Shanghai University and Guilin University of Electronic Technology and co-organized by the Office of Science and Technology, the School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, and the Institute of Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences of Nanchang University, was held in Nanchang City under the guidance of the Chinese Higher Education Association’s Committee for Education Mathematics.
Professor Liu Yaobin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of NCU, addressed the opening ceremony. Professor Wang Qingwen, President of the Chinese Higher Education Association’s Committee for Education Mathematic and Director of the International Research Center for Tensor and Matrix Theory of Shanghai University, served as the Chairman of the International Academic Committee of the conference. And Professor WANG Xiang, Vice Dean of the School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, served as the Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee of the conference.
The conference has attracted 236 participants from over 140 universities and scientific research institutes of 10 countries and regions, among which experts and scholars from renowned universities and research institutes such as National University of Singapore, University of Nevada, Reno of USA, Sungkyunkwan University of Korea, University of Manitoba of Canada, Kuwait University, Jeju National University of Korea, Seoul National University of Korea, Toyo University of Japan, Tongji University, Shanghai University, Suzhou University, Hainan University, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Nanchang University and Nanjing Center for Applied Mathematics of China, were invited to give reports. Themed on matrix theory, matrix calculation and numerical linear algebra, the conference featured 57 academic reports, including 19 in the general session and 38 in the parallel sessions, thus offering an academic feast for all participants.
This conference provided a great opportunity for participants to exchange ideas, showcasing the latest research progress in matrix theory, matrix computation, and its applications, which can inspire participants to carry on further research on matrix analysis, linear algebra and multilinear algebra, and graph theory and its application.
Editor: Cheng Huiping
Responsible Editor: Tu Jinfeng