On the morning of March 26th, a delegation led by Benjamin DREVEDON, the dean of the School of Business Administration at the University of Poitiers (collaborative partner of NCU), visited NCU for exchange. LIU Yaobin, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee of NCU, and TU Zongcai, Vice President of NCU, met with the French guests.

TU Zongcai extended warm welcome to the delegation led by Dean DREVEDON. He briefly reviewed the pleasant collaborative history of the Sino-French master's program between the two universities over the past 27 years and expressed his anticipation and support for the upcoming new joint program. He also emphasized the hope for both universities to summarize their long-term cooperative experience and to engage in deeper cooperation at higher levels based on the existing foundation of collaboration.
Dean DREVEDON sincerely recalled the long-standing history of collaboration between the two universities, expressing gratitude to Nanchang University for its support of the Sino-French Joint Academic Program and appreciation for the achievements made by the working team of both countries. He also expressed his desire to further expand exchanges and cooperation with NCU, including sending French master's students to China for exchanges and learning, promoting exchanges and cooperationbetween teachers and researchers of both universities and jointly cultivating doctoral students.
Professor Evelyne LAND, the Program leader from the French side and former dean of the School of Business Administration, reviewed the history of the Sino-French Joint Program. This program started from 1997 and expanded in 2019 to includethe English-language instruction classes in addition to the original French-language instruction classes, taking various innovative measures to adapt to the changes in the era. She expressed a proactive stance in collaborating with the Chinese side to expedite the implementation of the Sino-French International Master's Program in Business Administration(with a focus on carbon neutrality and sustainable development) .

GAN Xiaoqing, the Chinese co-founder of the Sino-French Joint Academic Program and former Vice President of NCU, also met with the French delegation at NCU. During their visit, the French delegation provided lectures to students enrolled in the Sino-French Joint Master's Program and will also hold academic seminars.
Representatives from the School of International Education, School of Economics and Management and Sino-French Center attended the meeting.
Editor: Tu Jingfeng
Executive Editor: Xu Hang