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Faculty of Medicine of Nanchang University Ranked 26th in the 2020 Overall Rankings of STEM of Faculties of Medicine in China 2020

Nov 4, 2021

Recently, the 2020 Overall Rankings of Science and Technology Evaluation Metrics (STEM) of Faculties of Medicine in China were released. The Faculty of Medicine of Nanchang University made a great leap forward and ranked 26th among China’s faculties of medicine. Compared with the 41st place in 2019, our faculty has moved up 15 places in the overall rankings.


The 2020 Overall Rankings of Science and Technology Evaluation Metrics (STEM) of Faculties of Medicine in China, based on the national goal of double-first-class construction, in the context of the industry-university-research cooperation, hold the academic idea oriented by honesty, correct the shortcomings of the evaluation system oriented by papers, honors, titles, degrees and awards, deeply analyze the elements reflecting the STEM of faculties of medicine and reveal the current status of S&T development in faculties of medicine.

In recent years, the university has promoted the construction of medical S&T innovation capacity, and its level of S&T innovation has been comprehensively improved. With the advantages for development of a comprehensive university, the Faculty of Medicine has seized the opportunities of the double-first-class construction and the joint construction by ministries and provincial government to strengthen innovation and promote the integration of industry, academia, research and application, and has made significant progress in major S&T projects, high-quality achievements, S&T awards, and the transformation of achievement, which has comprehensively contributed to the construction of a healthy China and a high-level university.
