On January 8, The Lancet, an international medical journal, released The Wakley-Wu Lien Teh Prize of 2020, and Wei Qian, a medical student of NCU in QMUL, won the prize for her article titled Do you also have a hidden corner?
In the comments of The Lancet, Doctor Richard Horton, the Editor-in-chief of The Lancet, Professor Jiang Baoguo, President of Peking University People’s Hospital, Academician Qiao Jie, President of Peking University Third Hospital, and many other experts said that the self-reflection and review of mental struggle under the epidemic situation of Wei Qian, as a young person accepting medical training, reflected the radiance of every medical worker’s self-sacrifice, and perfectly embodied the profound meaning of the oath made by all the medical workers of China when entering the medical schools.
The Lancet is one of four major medical journals internationally. In 2019, The Lancet and Peking University People’s Hospital set up The Wakley-Wu Lien Teh Prize with the names of Thomas Wakley, the founder of The Lancet, and Wu Lien Teh, a pioneer of modern medicine in China, aiming at encouraging medical workers in China to share their stories as a medical worker, advocating the theme of “a healthy China” and “a healthy world”, and boosting the development of China’s medical undertakings.
Article Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_2hE4G7gnVx4sgkb2I5PAg