Recently, China Association for Science and Technology released the list of Leading Technology of “Innovation China” in 2020. Such five fields with the most concentrated and urgent needs by “Innovation China” pilot cities (parks/zones) were focused as electronic information, biomedicine, advanced materials, equipment manufacturing, and resources and environment, 50 technological achievements representing frontier level and realizing major technological breakthrough with visible business model and giant commercial potential were chosen, among which 19 ones were chosen from higher institutions. The high-efficiency yellow-light LED materials and chip manufacturing technology researched and developed by National Silicon-based LED Engineering and Technological Research Center of NCU was selected.

High-efficiency Yellow-light LED Materials and Chip Manufacturing Technology
By means of the coordinated innovation of equipment and technology, National Silicon-based LED Engineering and Technological Research Center of Nanchang University has innovatively developed large-scale scientific facility—MOCVD high-end equipment with independent property right, and grown the yellow-light LED materials of the third generation of seminconductor InGaN on the silicon substrate, having obtained historical breakthrough, and improved the lighting effect of yellow-light LED to 27.9%. The technology has filled in the gap that the international market is lacking in high-efficiency yellow-light LED for a long term, and the technical indicators outclass the light source with the same color temperature realized by fluorescent technology route, which has solved the difficulty in low lighting effect, large luminous attenuation and lack of color of the light source with super low color temperature realized by LED fluorescent technique, expanded the new direction of healthy lighting, having extensive application value and broad market prospect.