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Education Exhibition in Jiangxi of Higher Institutions in Region Perm of Russia

Oct 16, 2018

Education Exhibition in Jiangxi of Higher Institutions in Region Perm of Russia was held in Nanchang University from September 26 to September 27. Governor of Region Perm of Russia Решетников Максим Геннадьевич, Vice Governor of People’s Government of Jiangxi Province Sun Jusheng, and Secretary of University Party Committee Yu Xiaoshe attended the opening ceremony and made speeches. Acting Vice President of Region Perm of Russia Клепиков Антон Юрьевич, Minister of Ministry of Education and ScienceКассина Раиса Алексеевна, Secretary of Education Working Committee of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee of the CPC, Head of Jiangxi Provincial Education Department Ye Rensun, Director of Jiangxi Provincial Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office Zhao Hui and Deputy Head of Jiangxi Provincial Education Department Wang Jianghua attended. The opening ceremony began with the wonderful artist program.

During the education exhibition, seven higher institutions and high schools from Russia signed cooperation agreements with higher institutions in Jiangxi, and Secretary of Nanchang University Party Committee Yu Xiaoshe and Vice President Li Baoming, on behalf with Nanchang University, signed MOU and cooperation agreement with Perm Medical University and Perm National College of Pharmacy from Russia.

There is favorable foundation for Jiangxi strengthening education cooperation with Region Perm, the higher institutions from both countries actively carry out university communication, scientific research cooperation, teachersand studentsexchange, and other activities. During the education exhibition in Region Perm in this May, 12 higher institutions in Jiangxi signed cooperation and exchange agreements with institutions in Region Perm. As a higher institution for the construction of world first-class subject within national “double first-class” program and a higher institution under joint construction by ministry and province, Nanchang University has signed cooperation agreements with 17 higher institutions in Russia, in which the Russian Center and Chinese Center jointly built with Perm National University play a positive facilitating role for talents cultivation and China-Russia academic exchange of high institutions in two countries.
