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Xie Mingyong and Nie Shaoping Selected into the “2018 Highly Cited Scientists” List of Clarivate Analytics

Dec 11, 2018

   On November 27, Clarivate Analytics released the list of “2018 Highly Cited Scientists”. Professor Xie Mingyong and professor Nie Shaoping were included as highly cited scientists in the field of agricultural science. This was the first time that NCU and Jiangxi scientists have been selected into this list.

   Based on the Web of Science data, the Clarivate Analytics analyzed paper citation over the past eleven years and selected a largest number of highly cited papers, in other words, scientific researchers who were recognized as people with highest citation influence by the global peers. Scientists in this list are considered to have excellent academic influence.

   In the list of this year, a total of 482 scientists were selected in China’s mainland area, including 4 people in Jiangxi Province. In the agricultural science field, 158 scientists were selected in global sense and only 6 scientists from China’s mainland area were selected.
