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NCU Undertaking 2018 National Academic Seminar for Food and Environmental Analysis and Test

Apr 23, 2018

2018 National Academic Seminar for Food and Environmental Analysis and Test hosted by Higher Institution Analysis and Test Center Research Society and Analysis and undertaken by Test Center of Nanchang University was held inNanchangon April 20. President Zhu Yongfa and Vice President Dong Lin of Higher Institution Analysis and Test Center Research Society as well as Vice President of NCU Zhu Xiaoli attended the meeting and gave speeches. Nearly a hundred people including experts and scholars in the field of food and environmental analysis and test attended the opening ceremony and listened to the subsequent special reports.

The Seminar was themed by “healthy and safe food and environment”, focused on topics like pretreatment technology for food and environment analysis sample, food analysis technology and method, environmental analysis technology and method, food safety and quality control, environmental process and effect of pollutant, by means of the exchange forms of invited lectures, special reports and etc., conducted academic discussion and exchange in terms of the new research progress of modern food and environmental analysis and test technology as well as the application in the field of food and environment in recent years.
