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Our University Successfully Holding the Third National Magnesium Alloy Youth Academic Conference

Oct 20, 2017

This website (Electromechanical Engineering School) reports on October 14, the Third National Magnesium Alloy Youth Academic Conference was inaugurated in our university , over 200 experts and scholars from 77 attending units participated in this conference. Vice president of Nanchang University Deng Xiaohua attended the conference and made a speech. Professor Liu Yong, the executive chairman of this conference, vice dean of electromechanical engineering school of our university presided this opening ceremony.

90 communication lectures were completed on this conference, including invited lectures respectively made by Academician Ding Wenjiang from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (acted by Professor Dong Jie) and Dean Wang Huiyuan from Jilin University. Attending experts had a wide and deep communication in magnesium alloy new material design and development, plastic deformation and toughening, preparation and processing technology, corrosion and surface treatment technology, magnesium based energy storage and biological function material. 1 for the best oral lecture award, 1 for the best poster special award, 6 for poster excellent awards were selected in this conference.

The conference took 2 days, and plenary session of the Third National Magnesium Alloy Youth Commission was held at last, presided by Professor Chen Xianhua, secretary general of Chinese Committee for Magnesium and its Application, introducing the publication condition of the international first Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, and the supplementary candidates for commission members. The conference decided that the fourth national magnesium alloy youth conference would be held in 2018 in Shanghai, and undertaken jointly by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Shanghai University.

      Nanchang University has successively undertaken national level projects such as 13th five-year national key R&D plan sub-projects (3 projects), 12thfive-year national science and technology support plan sub-projects (1 project), national natural science fund (12 projects) in recent years, established two provincial level scientific research platform: Jiangxi provincial light-weight high-strength structure material key laboratory and Jiangxi provincial high-performance precise forming key laboratory, obtained domestic experts’ recognition in China magnesium alloys domain, and elected into the council member unit of Chinese Committee for Magnesium and its Application.

Edited by Zhou Yuanyuan
