Lecturer: Liu Huaping, Researcher
Report Title: Industrialized Preparation of High-purity Semiconductor Carbon Nano Tube (CNT) and Study on Photoelectric Property
Time: May 3, 2018 (Thursday) 10:00am
Place: Materials A307
Profile of Lecturer:

Liu Huaping, a researcher ofInstituteofPhysics,ChineseAcademyof Sciences, doctoral supervisor, graduated from Yanshan University, Nanchang University and Beijing Normal University for bachelor’s degree in 2000, master’s degree in 2003 and doctor’s degree in 2006. He successively worked in (ICTP), ELETTRA, Tokyo University of Science, and Japan Industrial Technology Research Institute. He returned to China to join Advanced Materials and Structural Analysis Laboratory of Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2013.
Researcher Liu Huaping is mainly engaged in the study on the structural adjustment and control, basic physical properties and fabrication of devices of CNT. Especially in the aspect of structural adjustment and control of CNT, he developed gel chromatography, realized the industrialized preparation of uni-structural semiconductor CNT, and solved the research bottleneck of CNT properties and application. He has successively won Japan Sumio Iijima Award (2012), Outstanding Report Award of Research Institute of Materials (2012), Best Paper Award of Japan Industrial Technology Research Institute (2014), and so on. He has published more than 60 papers in such internationally famous publications in recent years as Nature Communications, Science Advances, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials, etc., with more than 430 times of non-self citation of single paper at most. He applied for three international patents, five Chinese patents, two authorized patents ofJapanand theUSArespectively, and one authorized patent ofChina.
Division of Science and Technology,SchoolofMaterials Scienceand Engineering
April 28, 2018
Report Summary:
CNT has extremely high carrier mobility and structure-adjustable energy gap. It has a wide application prospect in the field of micro-nano electronic devices and optoelectronic devices. The property of CNT is only decided by its helical structure. The macroscopic preparation of uni-structural homogeneous-property CNT is the fundamentals and application research. In recent years, we have developed gel chromatography to be used for separation and preparation of high-purity semiconductor CNT, realized the industrialized preparation of uni-structural semiconductor CNT. The report given will introduce the research progress of separation and preparation of high-purity semiconductor CNT via gel chromatography and its application and property study in the aspect of photoelectric devices.