Report Title: Rite and Acting: Rural Perspective
Time: At 14:30pm on December 18 (Monday)
Place: Humanities Building A252
Lecturer: Cai Zhixiang
Hosted by Social Science Division, School of Humanities
Profile of Lecturer:
Professor Cai Zhixiang, Deputy Director of Department of History of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Doctoral Supervisor, Doctor of Arts of University of Tokyo, mainly engaged in the studies of history of Chinese business history, festivals and folk religions of Chinese society, family and clansman in modern China, as well as the Chinese society in southern China and Southeast Asia, having successively published a lot of works like Say Mass for the Departed Souls: Festival and Regional Society in Hong Kong (Hong Kong Joint Publishing House, 2000), and so on, and published dozens of papers in periodicals like Consumer Goods Monthly, Journal of the South Seas Society, and etc.