On March 21, Xinhua News Agency reported how Nikita Popov, a Russian student studying at Nanchang University loves Chinese under the title "Poetry as a Medium: The Love of a Russian Student for Chinese", in English, Portuguese, Arabic, Korean, Thai and other languages to tell the stories of Nanchang University and spread the voice of Nanchang University to the world. The report is as follows:
Nikita Popov, with a Chinese name Bai Xihua, is a Russian student of NCU who has been in China for six years.

In 2016, Nikita Popov, who was only 16 years old, came to China to study by chance. He knew little about China at the beginning. But soon he was impressed by the convenience and advancement of China and fell in love with the Chinese culture. Now Popov regards China as his second hometown. Driven by his love for ancient Chinese poetry and Chinese, he passed the high-level Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) soon after coming to China, and changed his major to Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL).

Now Popov is continuing to learn Chinese while planning his future. He plans to stay in China to find job opportunities, or return to Russia for Chinese language education. No matter what he chooses in the future, the purpose will be to promote exchanges between Chinese and Russian young people, so that more Russian youths can experience the splendor of China.

Editor: Zeng Hui
Responsible Editor: Tu Jinfeng