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NCU Convenes its 3rd Session of the 6th Faculty and Labor Union Congress

May 6, 2023

Written by: Nan Xuan Photographed by: Nan Xuan View Counts: 1214

Released on: April 25th, 2023

The day April 25th marks the successful convening of the 3rd Session of the 6th Faculty and Labor Union Congress of Nanchang University (NCU). Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, participants studied and implemented President Xi’s important exposition on education and the spirit of Xi's important speeches on his visits to Jiangxi and NCU, promoting the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought and the building of a world-class university. The congress reviewed and summarized NCU’s achievements in 2022 and recent years, scientifically planned the goals and tasks for the next five and ten years, and fully deployed the key tasks for 2023. Vice President Deng Xiaohua presided over the congress.

Chen Yeguang, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and President of NCU, made a work report entitled Work Hard to Jointly Write a New Chapter in Accelerating the Building of a World-Class University with Chinese Characteristics.

Under the deliberation and approval of representatives, Report on the Work of the President, Financial Report, Audit Report, Report on the Work of Labor Union, Report on the Review of Labor Union Expenditure, Report on Proposals of Faculty Congress, and Implementation Plan on NCU’s Key Work in 2023 were adopted at the congress.

After going through the conference agenda, Luo Sihai, Secretary of the Party Committee of NCU, made a concluding speech.

The congress was held in the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). When the whole party is studying Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for A New Era, NCU is at an important historical point for development in the next ten years. The congress aligned faculty’s thinking, clarified tasks, and pooled wisdom and strength, pointing out the direction for the in-depth implementation of NCU’s 14th Five-Year Plan and the building of a world-class university.

It was pointed out at the congress that under the guidance of the Ministry of Education and Jiangxi Government, NCU in recent years has adhered to the direction of running a socialist university, implemented the fundamental task of cultivating students by virtue, and sticked to the inclusive and high-quality development. As a result, NCU’s comprehensive strength has been greatly improved, its vitality of development has been significantly enhanced, and the social impact of the university has been considerably improved. NCU has embarked on a new journey of building a world-class university and a good foundation has been laid for its development. The year 2022 was an extraordinary year. Focusing on studying, publicizing and implementing the 20th CPC National Congress, NCU accelerated the building of a world-class university, actively coordinated epidemic prevention and control and university development, and achieved new breakthroughs and achievements in talent training and team building, discipline construction, scientific research, social service capabilities, international exchanges and cooperation, internal governance, party building, and various undertakings of the university.

The following 5 years will be a crucial period for China to build into a modern socialist country in an all-round way. At the new starting point, the congress conducted systematic analysis at the levels of the country, the province and the university to use the university’s important strategic opportunities as it endeavors to be “a Good Example, a Courageous Pacesetter and a World-Class University. Besides, the congress defined the overall goals, targets and tasks for NCU’s development in talent cultivation and introduction, discipline construction, scientific research and social service in the next 5 years. According to the congress, much efforts should be made to seize on the strategic opportunities brought by the national and provincial development and to further clarify our development goals and orientation on the basis of the Five-Year Plan. In the future, NCU will enhance its capacity in bolstering socioeconomic development, speed up its efforts in turning into a world-class university and achieve high-quality leapfrog development.

2023 is an important year for the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan as a link between the past and the future. It is also a key year for promoting NCU’s high-quality development. The congress emphasized that it is necessary to focus on team building, governance improvement, and the establishment of demonstration bases in 2023. Five priorities of NCU included talent introduction and education, education evaluation reform, teaching resources and space expansion, internal governance structure reform and improvement in the work style. NCU should strengthen talent introduction and training, use evaluation reform to guide comprehensive reform, improve resource use efficiency and space utilization rate, improve internal governance efficiency, strengthen service awareness and improve service quality. It is necessary to carry out in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, seize the time to attain main goals of the university’s annual work, and do a good job in safety and stability. NCU should actively promote graduate employment, do a good job in the comprehensive assessment of provincial colleges and universities, boost alumni engagement, and strive to write a new chapter in accelerating the building of a world-class university with Chinese characteristics.

Achieving a goal is 10 percent planning and 90 percent actions.

First, NCU should refine its mechanism. In making plans, the university should list the tasks, responsibilities and requirements and clarify job responsibilities, working hours, working standards. In terms of execution, it is necessary to highlight closed-loop management of guidance, coordination, scheduling, guarantee, assessment and application, so as to complete basic work, guarantee special work, tap internal resources, expand external resources, strengthen the accuracy of assessment, and have a better application of the results.

Second, NCU should gather strength to achieve its goals. It is necessary to guide cadre and teachers to establish correct values and views on political achievements, practice the standards of good cadres and good teachers in the new era, and keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's expectation for Nanchang University by stimulating their enthusiasm, sense of honor and sense of mission. It is necessary to strengthen communication, achieve mutual understanding, mutual support, smooth information transmission, smooth work deployment, and have a good working atmosphere of cooperation. NCU should strengthen incentives, establish a correct system for selecting and employing personnel, and scientifically use various personnel policies and accountability mechanisms to provide talents for the development of the university. It is necessary to strengthen employee care, build the university into a warm family, and truly convey care and love to teachers and students. NCU should improve services and create a serving culture for the benefits of teachers, students, and alumni.

Third, NCU should be a good example of policy implementation. Teachers and faculty should set an example in building consensus, give full play to the role of demonstration and leadership, and walk with the university in the same direction and at the same pace. It is necessary for them to set an example in their actual work, refrain from formalism, avoid empty slogans, and do practical things to see real results. Teachers and faculty should set an example in hard work, improve work efficiency, raise work benchmarks, and continuously improve work effectiveness. They should set an example in dedication, create an atmosphere of dedication and care, and gather the driving force for the reform and development of the university. It is also necessary for them to set an example in overcoming difficulties, and have the determination and courage to fight, to take responsibility, to work hard, and to strive for self-improvement. They should set an example in strict self-discipline by enhancing the awareness of self-discipline and having self-examination, self-respect, self-policing and self-reliance. NCU should improve the implementation mechanism, strengthen the accountability institution, increase capabilities and create an atmosphere of responsibility to accelerate the steady and long-term development of world-class universities.

The congress called on the whole university to follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and to learn from and practice the spirit of the 20th National Congress. Adhering to these principles, NCU should gather extensive efforts to forge ahead towards the goal of building a world-class university with Jiangxi background and Chinese characteristics, to write a new chapter in Jiangxi’s modernization of Chinese style, and to contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

During the meeting, the university leaders had in-depth discussions on relevant reports with 23 delegations and representatives. With a strong sense of political responsibility and a passion for work, 337 participants conscientiously performed their duties and responsibilities, offered advice and suggestions, and demonstrated the spirit to forge ahead in the new journey of building a world-class university.

Editor: Zeng Hui

Responsible Editor: Tu Jinfeng