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Nanchang University: Faith Makes the Future Youth Assumes the Mission

Aug 27, 2022

During this summer vacation, the Youth League Committee of Nanchang University (NCU) organized students to actively participate in summer social practice and formed 128 summer social practice teams to carry out practice activities in 8 provinces, cities and autonomous regions. The students helped build 10 rural library stations and 21 social practice bases whose period of cooperation lasted more than one year, issued more than 6,000 copies of promotional materials, donated money and materials worth more than 40,000 yuan, wrote 69 social practice reports and 355 articles of experiences and feelings, made nearly 752 cultural and creative product for promotion, and organized 16 performances.

Revolutionary tradition makes the future and lays a solid foundation for faith. During the summer vacation, the university kept providing education on the Four Histories (the history of the CPC, of the PRC, of reform and opening up, and of socialist development), explored the immersive experience of the tradition of revolution, made full use of Jiangxis advantages of rich red resources (revolutionary sites, artifacts and spirits left by revolutionary martyrs), and formed numbers of revolutionary visiting and learning teams to visit more than 50 patriotism education bases and revolutionary sites and express the sincere feelings of university students in the era for the Party and the motherland from the perspective of NCUs students and teachers.

Culture makes the future and is a wonderful boost for our morale. The university actively organizes and guides students to actively participate in the civilized voluntary service in the new era, to be the pioneers in carrying forward the culture of our nation, and to boost students morale, backbone and confidence in being Chinese based on the inspiration from historical inheritances, cultural traditions and economic and social development.

Progress makes the future and enriches our knowledge and skills. The university actively organizes individual internship and practice activities such as Returning Home Program and Yangfan Program, encourages students to return to villages and communities on their own, guides university students to stay in their hometowns to work and start businesses, and trains and produces more Jiangxi Talents of the New Generation for the reform and development of Jiangxi in the new era.

Practice is the beginning of acquiring knowledge, and acquiring knowledge is required for practice. Through the social practice during the summer vacation, students at NCU seek truth and knowledge from the society, test the truth in practice, serve the society with knowledge and skills, get educated, develop talents, make contributions, and prove to the Party with their actions that theyre ready to build a powerful China, to take up the great responsibility of national rejuvenation in the new era, and to make their dreams come true in their shining prime.