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NCU Students Achieved Great Results in the 7th Chinese Undergraduate Physics Experiment Competition (Teaching)

Jun 28, 2021

On July 21, the 7th Chinese Undergraduate Physics Experiment Competition (Teaching) came to an end in Tianjin. After a fierce competition, all four undergraduates from NCU won their awards, including one Second-class Award and two Third-class Awards.

Chinese Undergraduate Physics Experiment Competition is a physics competition for college students, aiming to stimulate their interest and potential in physics experiments, cultivate their innovation ability, practical ability and teamwork consciousness, and promote the reform of physics experiment teaching. Chinese Undergraduate Physics Experiment Competition has been listed in the Ranking of National Competitions for College Students and has been listed as the key competition event of NCU’s discipline-based competitions.

More than 100 colleges and universities of China participated in the competition. Besides universities/colleges with National Demonstration Center for Experimental Physics Education, universities/colleges with Basic Top-notch Program for Physics major under the Ministry of Education, National Basic Science Research and Teaching Talents Training Base for Physics Major or National Basic Engineering Course Teaching Base for Physics, and some universities/colleges that attended the 6th Chinese Undergraduate Physics Experiment Competition (Innovation) were invited.

In recent years, NCU has been deepening the reform of physics experiment teaching and focusing on improving the quality of physics experiment teaching, which has laid a solid foundation for cultivating high-quality innovative talents. The results of this competition fully reflect the effect of the construction of NCU’s National Demonstration Center for Experimental Physics Education.

Editor: Wu Fengcheng

Editor in Charge: Qiu Xiaoyi