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NCU Achieved Great Results at National Student Sports Games

Jul 2, 2021

Recently, the 14th National Students Sports Games came to an end. NCU won the President Cup again with outstanding performance.

In the 13th National Students Sports Games held in 2017, NCU won the President Cup for the first time, and this time is the second time that NCU was awarded such honor. During this year’s Games, NCU was granted a score of 98 for sports undertakings. In the Scientific Paper Seminar of the Games, NCU won a first prize, a second prize and two third prizes. In terms of the competition, NCU won 3 gold medals and 2 bronze medals, and NCU student Feng Bin who participated in the discus throw competition as a participant of Women’s Group II broke the record of the Game with a discus’ distance of 63.26.

National Students Sports Games are the highest-level student sports games in China. The Games are jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Education, General Administration of Sport of China, and Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China. The President Cup is the highest award in the comprehensive evaluation of university/college sports undertakings. The President Cup has been set up since the 3rd National Students Sports Games in 1988, and the Games comprehensively evaluate the overall development level of the sports undertakings of universities/colleges in three aspects: the award-winning results of the Scientific Paper Seminar, the comprehensive strength of the sports culture of universities/colleges and the competitive level of the Games and honored 40 colleges and universities that have made outstanding contributions in sports undertakings.

Editor: Tu Jinfeng

Editor in Charge: Xu Hang