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NCU Achieved Great Success in the 7th Jiangxi College Students’ ‘Internet+’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

Aug 10, 2021

On August 4, the “Jianxing Cup”–the 7th Jiangxi College Students’ ‘Internet+’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, also the Trials for China International College Students’ ‘Internet+’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, came to an end in Nanchang University. Guo Jiezhong, Deputy Secretary of Education Working Committee of Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Education Department of Jiangxi Province, Wang Xun, Member of Party Committee of Jiangxi Branch of China Construction Bank and Vice President of the branch, and Zhou Chuangbing, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of Nanchang University and President of the university watched the finals and attended the award ceremony.

After a fierce competition, NCU won the first place with the project of New TCM Remedy to Prevent and Treat Respiratory Viral InfectionsCuring Communicable Diseases with Chinese Thorowax Root. In the competition, NCU won 45 medals in total, including 28 provincial gold medals, 12 provincial silver medals, 2 provincial bronze medals, as well as 3 Innovation and Potential Awards in the infancy segment, making a great breakthrough in terms of the number of medals with the highest number ever.

This year, our students and teachers are enthusiastic about participating in the competition, and the number of applications has shown explosive growth. Up to now, a total of 6,100 projects of NCU have been registered, including 4,816 projects for the higher education segment and 1,284 projects for the red journey segment, and a total number of 12,036 students have participated in the competition, which represents a 51% and 45% increase in the number of projects and students respectively compared with the previous competition. NCU will continue to seize the opportunity of hosting the 7th China International College Students’ ‘Internet+’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition to further deepen the reform of innovation and entrepreneurship education in the university.

This years competition was organized in strict accordance with the standards of the national competition, and the reception of participating teachers, students, judges and guests was carried out effectively by using the reception software. To further improve the epidemic prevention and control during the competition, this year, all staff and teams were required to provide nucleic acid test reports and present green health code. The judging method of the infancy segment was changed from on-site presentation to online judging.