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NCU-THU Strategic Conference on Cultivation of Top Innovative Talents Held in NCU

Jun 21, 2018

In June 20, the launching ceremony of NCU-THU Strategic Conference on Cultivation of Top Innovative Talents was Held in Jiangong Building of NCU. Deputy President Xin Hongbo, outstanding Alumni and director of CNMM of THU Zhen Quanshui and director of NCU Academic Affairs attended the seminar and delivered speech. Experts from research and governing team of THU Qian Xuesheng Mechanic Class, scholars from NCU Academic Affairs, School of Qianhu, Mental Health Educational Center, Higher Research Institute, Research and governing team of experimental class of bachelor’s degree and master’s degree attended the seminar.

This seminar was co-held by NCU and THU,organized by Higher Research Institute. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the experimental class of bachelor’s degree and master’s degree of UCU, and the seminar aims to summarize and exchanges lessons of the experimental class and learn the advanced teaching concept and method from Qian Xuesheng Mechanics Class so as to promote the deepening, reform and exploration of the experimental class of bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in next decade and to enhance the quality of talents training.