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More Than 11000 Graduates Embark on a New Journey Nanchang University Held 2018 Commencement and Degree Awarding Ceremony

Jun 29, 2018

On the morning of June 26, the 2018 Commencement and Degree Awarding Ceremony were held in school stadium. More than 11000 graduates made a farewell to their alma mater and are going to embark on a new journey.

Mr. Yu Xiaoshe, secretary of the CPC Committee of Nanchang University, Mr. Zhou Chuangbing, President of Nanchang University and other school leaders, Mr. Kling Beil, President of Queen Marry University of London, Professor Chen Yiwang, recipient of National Outstanding Youth Science Fund, Professor Liu Yaobin, chair professor of "Cheung Kong Scholars Project", Mr. Nie Jili, alumni representative and chief director of Jiangxi Zhongheng Construction Group, and directors of each school seated on the platform. Mr. Huang Enhua, deputy secretary of the CPC Committee of Nanchang University presided over the ceremony.

On behalf of the school, Mr. Yu Xiaoshe accepted souvenirs from 2018 graduates delivered by student representatives, which consist of group photo of all 2018 graduates, letters and their deep affection for school.

Mr. Zhou Chuangbing delivered an address titled “Dreamer, Doer” to the graduates and recalled moving and warm things over the past four years.

In degree awarding session, leaders and guests awarded graduation certificate and degree certificate to 263 graduate representatives and straightened the tassel in their trencher caps. At the end, they took a group photo.