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Nanchang University Undertaking the 13th “College Physics Course Report Forum” of 2017

Dec 28, 2017

(School of Science) The 13th “College Physics Course Report Forum”—Course﹒Textbook﹒Method was held in Nanchang on December 16, which is jointly sponsored by Teaching Research Branch of China Association of Higher Education, China Higher Institution Teaching Research Center, Physics Teaching Advisory Board of Higher Institutions under Ministry of Education, Physics Teaching Committee of Chinese Physical Society and Higher Education Press, and undertaken by Nanchang University. Speeches were delivered by President Zhou Chuangbing, Chairman of Teaching Research Branch of China Association of Higher Education Yang Xiang, Chairman of College Physics Teaching Advisory Board of Higher Institutions under Ministry of Education Gu Mu, Chairman of Astronomy Teaching Advisory Board of Higher Institutions under Ministry of Education Li Xiangdong, Chairman of Physics Teaching Advisory Board of Higher Institutions under Ministry of Education and Secretary-general of Physics Teaching Committee of Chinese Physical Society Liu Yuxin, and the leader of Higher Education Press Gao Jian. Academician Wu Yueliang from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician Ouyang Qi from Peking University and nearly 500 experts and teachers from Fudan University and Nanjing University attended the meeting.
   The meeting lasted for three days, holding 10 keynote lectures and 26 branch reports, and participating experts and scholars made academic reports focusing on the undergraduate education teaching courses, textbook construction, teaching methods and model of teaching. They made deep discussion and study on the construction of online open courses and textbooks, and the reform and innovation of physical teaching modes and methods, making the participants benefit a lot.
   Vice President of our University, Director of National Silicon-based LED Engineering and Technological Research Center, Professor Jiang Fengyi, made a special report titled “Review of LED Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, mainly reviewing the silicon-based LED technology innovation, from the process of light sources used, to the fluorescent lamp with improved efficiency but pollution to the environment, then the white LED. Meanwhile, the report also looked back Professor Jiang Fengyi’s road to scientific and technological invention as well as the trial and pressure experienced by him over the 19 years.
   The successful holding of the forum is highly spoken of by Physics Teaching Advisory Board of Higher Institutions under Ministry of Education and all the representatives, and all of them considered the meeting concise and effective, with explicit theme, abundant contents, full exchange and deep experience. They will bring back the spirit of the meeting to facilitate the development of physics teaching and scientific research in higher institutions.
