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Good News: Our Three Projects Approved in the List of 2017 National Social Science Fund Major Projects

Nov 17, 2017

On November 17, the national philosophy social science planning office formally issued the approved projects list of 2017 national social science fund major projects, and five projects of our province were in the list of major projects, and three projects declared by our school of humanities were approved to be established.

The national social science fund major projects is the project category with the highest level, the biggest funding assistance and the strongest authority in current national social science fund.

Project List:

Project Name: Collection, Sorting and Research of Folk Historical Materials of Central Soviet Area (Chief Expert: Wu Yongming)

Project Name: Sorting and Research of Chamber of Commerce Files and Materials of the Middle Reach of the Yangtze River (Xiang, E and Gan) in Modern Times (Chief Expert: Zhang Fanglin)

Project Name: Collection, Database Construction and Series Tops Research of Works on Chinese Rhyme Studies (Chief Expert: Li Jun)

Edited by Zhou Yuanyuan