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President Simon Gaskell and his Group of Queen Mary University London Visiting Nanchang University

Mar 29, 2017

    On the afternoon of March 29th, a delegation of 3 people led by President Simon Gaskell Vice President David Sadler of Queen Mary University London visited Nanchang University and met with President Zhou Chuangbing and Vice President Li Baoming of Nanchang University in the fourth conference room of the office building.

    The two parties reviewed the cooperative education project in clinical medicine since 2013, discussed the existing problems and solutions in the cooperation project, explored the possibility of cooperation in scientific research, and signed a supplemental agreement on cooperative education.

    Simon Gaskell and his group had cordial communications with students of the 2016 cooperation project in Medical College and Queen Mary College.

    Directors and other related personnel of NCU Medical College, International Affairs Department and Queen Mary College attended the discussions.

Edited by Zhou Yuanyuan