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The 4th River Basin Carbon Neutrality Forum of NCU

May 6, 2023

Professor An Taicheng: Human Exposome for Soil Pollutants at Typical Sites of Industrial Contamination

Professor Li Guiying: Mechanism of Human Respiratory Tract Injury Caused by Bioaerosol Exposure

Brief Introduction to Reporters:

An Taicheng, Level-2 Professor, a member of the Party Committee of Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT), Director of GDUT Academic Committee, Dean of the Institute of Environmental Health and Pollution Control, Dean of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, GDUT, Director of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Joint Laboratory for Contaminants Exposure and Health and Director of Guangdong Key Laboratory of Environmental Catalysis and Health Risk Control. Professor An is a national high-level talent, a high-level talent of the Ministry of Education, and a winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. He has been granted the following honorary titles and awards: a National Model Teacher, an Excellent CPC Member of Guangdong Province, the Labor Day Medal of Guangdong Province and Ding Ying Science and Technology Award of Guangdong Province. He has long been engaged in the research on the environmental geochemical process and health effects, migration transformation and risk reduction mechanism of toxic new pollutants.

Li Guiying, distinguished Professor, is one of the Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talents of Guangdong Special Support Program. Professor Li has been working on photocatalytic sterilization mechanism, formation mechanism of pathogenic microorganism drug resistance, health effects and control, environmental health effects of organic pollutants, application basis and research and development of biodegradation of toxic organic substances. She has published more than 290 SCI papers, among which 10 have been selected as Highly Cited Papers and 2 as Hot Papers by ESI. Her SCI papers have been cited for over 11,000 times in total. The results of her study were included in the strategic photochemical monographs and English monographs of Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is now an editorial board member of journals like Int J Environ Res Public Health and Res J Biotech. Currently she presides 1 key project of NSFC-Guangdong Joint Fund and 1 General Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, completing 3 national-level projects and more than 10 provincial and ministerial key projects. She has won the First Prize of the Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award, the Second Prize of the Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education, and the First Prize of the Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Award.

Time: 10:00 a.m.-12:00 a.m. on April 28, 2023

Venue: Lecture Hall 1102, Zhihua Science and Technology Building

Attendees: All teachers, students and scientific researchers are welcomed! (Please arrive 10 minutes in advance.)

School of Resources & Environment, Nanchang University

Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education on River Basin Carbon Neutrality


April 25th, 2023