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Series of Academic Reports on Food Discipline for Centennial Anniversary of NCU: Innovation and Development of Functional Foods and Special

Nov 7, 2020

Series of Academic Reports on Food Discipline for Centennial Anniversary of NCU: Innovation and Development of Functional Foods and Special Foods Industry

Reporter: Zhu Beiwei, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering

Time: 14:30 PM, November 8, 2020 (Sunday)

Place: 401 Report Hall, National Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Qingshanhu Campus (North Campus)

About the Speaker: Zhu Beiwei, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, expert in food engineering, is currently a professor and doctoral supervisor of Food College of Dalian Polytechnic University, and Director of National Engineering Research Center of Seafood. She is also the convener of the Appraisal Group of Food Science and Engineering of the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council, Vice Chairman of the Professional Teaching Steering Committee of Food Science and Engineering in Colleges and Universities, Ministry of Education, Standing Member of the Ninth National Committee of the China Association for Science and Technology, Vice President of the Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology, Vice President of Chinese Society of Nutrition, and Vice Chairman of National Technical Committee for Standardization of Food Industry. She has been committed to the basic theory and applied research of deep processing of aquatic products and agricultural products for a long time, and has presided over more than 40 programs including preliminary research projects of national 973 program, key special projects of national key R&D plan, National Natural Science Foundation of China and major international cooperation programs, having made a series of innovative achievements in food deep processing technology. She won the second prize of National Technological Invention Award in 2005, the second prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress Award in 2010, the second prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress Award in 2018, the second prize of National Teaching Achievement Award in 2018, and the Science And Technology Innovation Award of He Liang He Li Foundation in 2008. She has published 10 academic works and more than 200 academic papers, and obtained more than 100 international and domestic authorized invention patents. She was elected as Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2013.

Welcome teachers and students to participate!

National Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology

College of Food Science & Technology of NCU

Jiangxi Institute of Food Science and Technology

November 2020