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Academic Research, Innovation and Knowledge Production Process

Oct 27, 2017

Report Title: Academic Research, Innovation and Knowledge Production Process

Time: At 15:00pm on October 12 (Thursday)

Place: Information Engineering Building E501

Lecturer: Jian Ze

Hosted by Social Science Division,School of Management

Profile of Lecturer:

Jian Ze, a native of Lichuan of Hubei, was graduated from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics with Doctor of Economics, member of Academic Committee of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, professor of Industrial Economics Institute, doctor supervisor, top-notch leading talent of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics. Research orientation focuses on crossing field of industrial organization economics and technological innovation strategy. Major research achievements are published in professional periodicals like Economic Research Journal, Management World, China Industrial Economics, Journal of Financial Research, Statistical Research, The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics and Studies in Science of Science.
