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Our University Sponsored the Sub-forum on “Biodiversity of River Basin and Construction of Ecological Civilization” of Shanghai Forum

May 29, 2019

 On May 25, the Sub-forum on “Biodiversity of River Basin and Construction of Ecological Civilization” 2019 of Shanghai Forum was held in Shanghai International Convention Center. More than 150 scholars, officials and NGO leaders from Asia, Africa, North America and South America studying the biodiversity conservation of large river basins attended the forum.

From the perspective of global governance and river basin scale, attendees exchanged the progress on scientific biodiversity research based on government’s decision-making and management, shared experience in biodiversity conservation in large river basins around the world, fully discussed synergistic strategies for management of large river basins, and spare no effort to offer advice and suggestions to the promotion of the construction of ecological civilization of large river basins.


       In order to welcome the 15th Conference of the Parties of Convention on Biological Diversity held in China, all sponsored units published Shanghai Declaration on Biodiversity Conservation of River Basin, in which important viewpoints such as “mountain, river, wood, field, lake, and grass in river basin turn out to be a community of life”, “biodiversity is the foundation for the survival and development human”, “ ‘Ecology First, Green Development’ is the strategy for construction of ecological civilization of river basin” consist of the highlights of declaration.


      This sub-forum is sponsored by Jiangxi Provincial Key Lab for Ecological Evolution and Biodiversity of River Basin of Nanchang University and the Key Lab for Biodiversity and Ecological Engineering of Ministry of Education of Fudan University and co-sponsored by WWF Center for Basin Ecology Research of Nanchang University, Jiangxi Institute of Ecological Civilization, WWF, and Project Center of Alashan Society of Entrepreneurs & Ecology in Eastern China. The sub-forum aimed to link to the great protection strategy for the Yangtze River, actively implement the “Belt and Road Initiative”, keep the biodiversity of the Yangtze River, construction the ecological civilization of the Yangtze River, and provide intelligence and plans to the establishment of “Jiangxi Model” of beautiful China and the realization of the green rise in central China.