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Our university held Opening Ceremony of Grade 2017 Freshmen

Sep 22, 2017

In the morning of September 22, Nanchang University Opening Ceremony of Grade 2017 Freshman was held in the stadium of Qianhu Campus, all Grade 2017 freshmen completed their entrance ceremony with blessing and encouragement in the morning rain and sun.

The School Party Secretary Hu Yongxin, the President Zhou Chuangbing, the School Secretary of Committee for Discipline Inspection Huang Yun, Vice Presidents Zhu Youlin, Li Baoming, Deng Xiaohua and Zhu Xiaoli, Dean of Institute of Jiangxi Development Studies Huang Xijia, the Director-General of the Organization Department of the Party Committee Shu Ming and others attended the ceremony, the School Party Vice Secretary Xu Qiuzhen presided over the ceremony.

The opening ceremony was kicked off in the heart-thumping  national anthem.

As the commander issued the march-past order, students began to gather together for military drill. Under the guidance of the standard-bearer, twenty-one freshmen military training phalanxes went through the rostrum with their vigorous paces, loud slogans and high morale, reporting their training results to present teachers and students.

Zhou Chongbing delivered a speech titled with “Cultivate Your Moral Character and Do not Waste Time”. He briefly introduced the history of the school development, school philosophy and school characteristics and highlights, and encouraged the students: study hard, temper the personality; seek innovation, train thinking ability; sharpen the will, forge spirit. Share weal and woe with school, start your brilliant university journey.

Vice President Deng Xiaohua read “The Decision of Awarding Outstanding Grade 2017 Freshmen of Nanchang University”, this year there are a total of 379 outstanding freshmen receiving awards ranging from 10,000 yuan, to 6,000 yuan, 4,000 yuan, 3,000 yuan and 1,000 yuan.

Hu Yongxin and Zhou Chuangbing issued outstanding freshmen scholarship certificates for two representatives, Zeng Chuanfei, majors in Clinical Medicine, and Han Xinqian, majors in Chinese Language and Literature.

The freshmen representative Chen Xi, majors in Law of Law School, abroad students representative Kajia, majors in Chinese Translation, and internal students representative Luo Xiaotong, majors in Electrical Engineering and Automation of Information Engineering School spoke one after another and offered to cherish the university time and forge ahead with the school together.

The freshmen parents representative Mr. Sun Shouliang, the teacher representative, national outstanding teacher and Professor Zhu Chuanxi, alumni representative, the national outstanding journalist and Shanghai Huanzhi Culture Communication Co., Ltd. founder Mr. Jan Guangzhou spoke successively and shared the personal experience and feeling with students.

The opening ceremony came to a successful conclusion in the singing of “Ode to the Motherland”, Grade 2017 freshmen starts to set sail for new trip.

The Party Secretary of The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University Ge Xiaozhen, the winner of The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and the Dean of College of Chemistry Chen Yiwang, Jiangxi Provincial Advanced Individual of Teachers’ Ethics and the professor of School of Basic Medical Sciences Li Gang, the Deputy Detachment Leader of the First Division of armed police team in Jiangxi Province Lieutenant Colonel Zhang Zhixin and chief persons in charge of other units are sitting on the rostrum.

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