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Our University Holding International Workshop on Stability Analysis and Seepage Control in Geotechnical Engineering

Oct 19, 2017


      This website (building engineering school) reports that on October 17, international workshop on stability analysis and seepage control in geotechnical engineering was held at Qianhu campus, Nanchang University. This workshop was sponsored and undertaken by Nanchang University and the University of Newcastle, Australia. This workshop carries out research and discussion on international frontier issues on geotechnical mechanics in hydraulic and hydro-power engineering, civil engineering, offshore engineering, traffic engineering. Our professor Zhou Chuangbing was the chairman of this workshop, professional backbone teachers, young teachers and graduate students from other domestic universities participated in this workshop.

      In this workshop, Professor Scott W Sloan, Academician of Britain royal society, Academician of CSIRO, Academician of ATSE, Editor-in-Chief of international journal Computer and Geotechnics, made the topic lecture, Professor John Carter, Academician of CSIRO, Academician of ATSE, head of International Association for  Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Geomechanics made the invited lecture, Professor Daichao Sheng, main evaluation expert of department of engineering material and mathematics of Australian Research Commission, Editor-in-Chief of Canadian Geotechnical Journal, the candidate of Thousand Talents Program of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the CPC  made an academic report on geotechnical engineering in cold region, Professor Lu Wenbo, distinguished professor of the Changjiang Scholar, the gainer of national outstanding youth fund,  Professor Chen Yifeng, Luojia distinguished professor of Wuhan University, the gainer of national excellent youth science fund, and Professor Jiang Qinghui, the Luojia distinguished professor of Wuhan University, Jinggang scholar of Nanchang University all made academic reports.

       Academic communication in this workshop has important scientific values in solving complex geomechanics issues in civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, traffic and energy engineering; the holding of this workshop has an important meaning to promote the construction of civil engineering, hydraulic engineering and other relevant courses, to improve the international impact of the subject of geotechnical engineering.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Edited by Zhou Yuanyuan