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​Aixi Lake Lecture-Title of Lecture XI: Room Temperature Molecular Devices Based on Molecular Orientation

Nov 26, 2020

Aixi Lake Lecture-Title of Lecture XI: Room Temperature Molecular Devices Based on Molecular Orientation

Speaker: Professor Wang Li

Time: 9:30 a.m., November 27, 2020 (Friday)

Place: Conference Room on the First Floor of National Silicon Substrate LED Engineering Technology Research Center of NCU, No. 679 Aixihu North Road, Nanchang City

Content of the Lecture: by applying the adsorption orientation of organic molecules as signal carrier, our research group constructed room temperature molecular devices:

In the fullerene/silicon system, the controlled manipulation to fullerene orientation is realized and the molecular switch device is constructed. The accurate localization of fullerene in silicon cells and the long distance transfer across micron scale can be realized as well. In the phthalocyanine/copper system, the artificial arrangement of ordered molecular arrays and the orientation control of molecules within the arrays are realized. The regulation of molecular orientation by intermolecular coupling is confirmed, and the prototype devices such as molecular motor, molecular domino and molecular logic operation are constructed by using the effect.

About the Speaker: Wang Li, Doctor of Science of Nanjing University and University of Nottingham, professor, doctoral supervisor, was selected in the Supported by Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET), Leading Talents Plan of "Jiangxi Province Talents 555 Project", Science and Technology Innovation Talents of Jiangxi Province, and New Century Talents Project in Jiangxi Province, now served as Director of Chinese Physical Society, Member of the Teaching Committee of the Chinese Physics Society, Deputy Director of East China Teaching Steering Committee of Physics, Ministry of Education, and Chairman of Jiangxi Physics Society. He won the second prize of Teaching Achievement Prizes of National Level, the third prize of Natural Science of Jiangxi Province, Outstanding Visiting Scholar of "the Light of the West" of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the CPC and the May 4th Youth Medal in Jiangxi Province. He has mainly engaged in basic and applied research of molecular weight substructures, two-dimensional materials and devices and high-density energy storage materials. He has successively hosted 5 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China and 6 projects at provincial and ministerial level, and participated in 2 national major research projects. He has published more than 100 SCI papers on internationally renowned journals such as Nature Nanotechnology, ACS Nano, and Surface Science Reports, and has been authorized five national invention patents and two utility model patents.

Welcome teachers and students to participate!

National Silicon Substrate LED Engineering Technology Research Center of NCU

November 2020