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Selection of Commercial Legislation Mode under the Background of Compilation of Civil Code

Oct 27, 2017

Report Title: Selection of Commercial Legislation Mode under the Background of Compilation of Civil Code

Time: At 10:30am on October 20 (Friday)


Lecturer: Peng Zhenming

Hosted by Social Science Division,SchoolofLaw,LegislationResearchCenterofNanchangUniversity, Rule ofLawJiangxiConstructionResearchCenter

Profile of Lecturer:

Peng Zhenming, male, a native ofTianmen,Hubei, born in 1963, is professor and doctor supervisor of Law School of Central China Normal University, Standing Director of China Research Society of Securities Law, Standing Director of China Research Society of Sci-tech Finance Law and Director of China Research Society of Commercial Law. He has published over 100 papers in such academic publications as China Legal Science, Studies in Law and Business, Science of Law, Modern Law Science, Law Science, Political Science and Law, and etc., including over 40 CSSCI papers in law, published more than ten academic works, presided over three national social science fund projects, two humanities and social science projects of Ministry of Education, and presided over more than 20 other provincial and ministerial level and enterprise and public institution units projects.
