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Discipline Development and Traditionalized New Literature

Oct 27, 2017

Report Title: Discipline Development and Traditionalized New Literature

Time: At 19:00pm on October 20 (Friday)

Place: HumanitiesBuilding B230

Lecturer: Tan Guilin

Hosted by Social Science Division, School of Humanities

Profile of Lecturer:

   Tan Guilin, male, a native of Leiyang of Hunan, born in 1959, was graduated from Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature Major of BeijingNormalUniversity with Doctor of Arts. He worked in College of Liberal Arts of HumanNormalUniversity after graduation, and was promoted to be professor in 1999. He had worked as Executive Deputy Dean, Dean of College of Liberal Arts of HumanNormalUniversity, Director of Modern Literature Research Center of Hunan General Higher Institution Social Science Major Research Base since 2000 and worked as doctor supervisor of modern and contemporary Chinese literature, comparative literature and world literature of HunanNormalUniversity since 2004. He was employed by NanjingNormalUniversity in March 2010 for “prominent talent funding program” and allocated to work in School of Literature of NanjingNormalUniversity.
