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From Cultural Consciousness to Cultural Confidence

Oct 27, 2017

Report Title: From Cultural Consciousness to Cultural Confidence

Time: At 17:00pm on October 20 (Friday)

Place: HumanitiesBuilding B230

Lecturer: Wang Nengxian

Hosted by Social Science Division, School of Humanities

Profile of Lecturer:

Wang Nengxian, male, born on August 1954, a native of Ruichang of Jiangxi, a member of the Communist Party of China, Doctor of Arts of Peking University, Vice President of Chinese National Academy of Arts, Member of China Yinglian Society, Director of China Association of Policy Science, Vice Chairman of China Life Sciences Society. He has worked in higher institutions for a long term, engaging in teaching and academic research; then he works in the organ of Ministry of Culture, mainly engaging in the studies of cultural policies and cultural theories. He took the positions of Person-in-charge of Research Division of Department of Policies and Regulations of Ministry of Culture, Director of Policy Research Office, Vice President of Central Academy of Cultural Administration, and so on. He was dispatched to work in Chinese National Academy of Arts in March 2006.
