Report Title: Internationalization of Legal
Time: At 15:00pm on November 10 (Friday)
Place: Law Building A234
Lecturer: Lesley Hitchens
Hosted by Social Science Division, School
of Law, Legislation Research Center of Nanchang University, Rule of Law Jiangxi
Construction Research Center
Profile of Lecturer:
Lesley Hitchens is the Dean of Law School
of University of Technology Sydney, member of Legal Profession Admission
Committee of New South Wales, member of Admission Committee of Legal Service
Commission, academician of Australian Law School. Lesley once served as
visiting professor in University of Manchester and Birkbeck College, holding
several research grants, having participated in Russian media reform project,
and made contributions to the development of media law research of Hungary.
Lesley has worked as a business lawyer in Sydney and London for seven years,
with rich experience in theory and practice.