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Vision of Media Studies-New Media, New Communication

Nov 24, 2017

Report Title: Vision of Media Studies-New Media, New Communication
Time: At 930am on November 24 (Friday)
Place: Humanities Building A143
Lecturer: Huang Dan
Hosted by Social Science Division, School of Journalism & Communication

Profile of Lecturer:
Huang Dan, male, born in 1954, is professor, doctoral supervisor of Fudan University, convener of Xinke Appraisal Group of Journalism & Communication of Degree Commission of the State Council, director of Information and Communication Research Center of Fudan University. Professor Huang Dan is the most outstanding representative in China middle-aged scholars, the academic icon of Fudan Journalism School. Research domain: theories of journalism, theories of communication Main research orientation: Chinese and foreign journalism and communication thoughts, mass media and society Main achievements: over thirty works such as Journalism and Communication, Who’s Media: Seek on Social Positioning of Mass Media, Talk on Lin Zexu’s View of Journalism, Evolution of American Views on Newspapers and Periodicals around War of Independence, Recognition of Views on Journalism around the May Fourth Movement. At the end of year 2005, professor Huang Dan’s representative work Communicators’ Images: Establishment and Elimination of Journalistic Professionalism was published by Fudan University Press. Professor Huang Dan presides over several national, ministerial and principal level projects. He teaches following courses at present: China Journalism and Communication History, China Journalistic Thoughts History, History of World Communication Theories, Study on Communication
