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From Cultural Heritage to Intangible Cultural Heritage

Dec 5, 2017

Report Title:  From Cultural Heritage to Intangible Cultural Heritage
Time: At 16:00pm on December 4 (Monday)
Place: Activity Center, F/2 of Humanities Building  
Lecturer: Ye Tao
Hosted by Social Science Division, School of Humanities
Profile of Lecturer:
    Ye Tao, male, Researcher of World Religious Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Doctoral Supervisor, Vice-chairman and Secretary-general of China Folklore Society, ever long-term Editor-in-chief of Folk-custom Research, additional post of professor of Literature, History and Philosophy Research Institute of Shandong University, member of Academic Committee of Literature, History and Philosophy Research Institute of Shandong University (outside school), part-time researcher of China Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Center of Zhongshan University, Guest Professor of Sociology and Folklore Department of  Northwest University for Nationalities 
