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“Where Do Guests Come From?” Ethnic Group and Society from Sixteen to Twenty Century in Hanjiang River Area

Dec 5, 2017

Report Title: “Where Do Guests Come From?” Ethnic Group and Society from Sixteen to Twenty Century in Hanjiang River Area
Time: At 9:40am on December 4 (Monday)
Place: Function Hall, F/2 of Administrative Building  
Lecturer: Chen Chunsheng
Hosted by Social Science Division, School of Humanities

Profile of Lecturer:
   Chen Chunsheng, a native of Jiexi County, Guangdong Province, professor, secretary of the party committee, doctoral supervisor of Zhongshan University, vice-chairman of History Subject Teaching Guidance Committee of Ministry of Education, member of Undergraduate Teaching Work Evaluation Experts Committee of Regular Institution of Higher Learning of Ministry of Education, member of Students Cultural Quality Education Guidance Committee of Institution of Higher Learning of Ministry of Education, member of Association of Chinese Historians, and Chinese Economy History Society, executive member of Chinese Social History Association, chairman of Association of Guangdong Historians.
