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“7.26” Address: an important guide to the new development strategy of Chinese socialism

Sep 8, 2017

Title of Report: “7.26” Address: an important guide to the new development strategy of Chinese socialism
Time: At 14:30 pm on Sep. 11th (Monday)
Place: Room A314, Building of Law
Reporter: Zhu Jidong
Host Units: Social Sciences Department, College of Marxism, College Students’ Ideological and Political Education (Moral Education) Collaborative Innovation Center in Jiangxi Province, College Students’ Ideological and Political Education Research Center in Jiangxi Province and Research Center of the Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics of Nanchang University

Introduction of the Reporter:

Reporter: Zhu Jidong is the Post-Doctoral of the Science of Law, researcher, Deputy Director and Secretary-General of Research Center of National Cultural Security and Ideological Construction of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Dean of New Media Research Institute, chief expert of major project for central Marxist theory research and construction and Deputy Director of Academic Public Opinion Research Office of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He also holds academic positions including Deputy Secretary General of Chinese Association of Historical Materialism, Executive Director of World Socialist Research Center of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Executive Director of Center for Modern China, Director of National History Society of the People ’s Republic of China, Director of China Economic Law Research Institute, expert of Central China Youth Network Think Tank, Invited Researcher of International Relations Research Committee of China Political Association and he is principal of major research project of CNET, principal of special entrusted project supported by National Social Science Foundation and principal of horse project of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He is mainly engaged in contemporary ideological research, localization of Marxism in China, the Party building, world socialism, news communication and emergency response. He is invited to hold special lectures on various ministries, local, universities, military and enterprises; he holds the post of distinguished professor, visiting professor, adjunct professor and invited researcher of various universities and research institutions and he is expert and consultant employed by central ministries and commissions, multiple provinces and cities as well as several media.