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Representatives of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Visiting Nanchang University and Signing a Cooperation Agreement

May 29, 2017

   May 29th, a delegation of 6 visitors led by Director General Denis Petitclerc of Science and Technology Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (hereinafter referred to as AAFC), visited Nanchang University and met with NCU Party Committee Secretary Hu Yongxin and Vice President Zhu Xiaoli at the National Key Laboratory of Food Science & Technology. Directors of NCU International Affairs Department, National Key Laboratory of Food Science & Technology, and School of Food Science & Technology attended the meeting.

   Secretary Hu briefly introduced NCU history, discipline construction, scientific research achievements, international cooperation and exchanges, and background of the National Key Laboratory of Food Science & Technology. Denis Petitclerc introduced AAFC’s scientific research, international exchanges and cooperation of NCU National Key Laboratory of Food Science & Technology. The two parties agreed to sign a new cooperation agreement to further strengthen and expand cooperation and exchanges in the field of food science and technology. Authorized by President Zhou Chuangbing, Vice President Zhu signed a cooperation agreement with Director General Denis Petitclerc.

   Afterwards, the two parties held a China-Canada high level forum on food science and technology cooperation at the National Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology.

   Since 2003 when NCU and Canadian Department of Agriculture jointly built the united laboratory of food science and technology, the two parties have conducted very fruitful cooperation in scientific research, academic exchanges and talents training, jointly pushed forward basic research and applied research in food science, published papers, promoted products transformation, and made regular academic visits and graduate students exchange, which effectively enhances the research level and expands the international vision of the National Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Edited by Zhou Yuanyuan